9 Sofa Mistakes That Will Cost You $1m Over The Next 10 Years
Of all of the spaces in our homes, the kitchen often gets all of the love. But the whole
"heart of the home" idea is an equally fitting way to describe another one of our
Favorite spots -- the couch.
From sleeping to TV-watching to "working" from home, the sofa is easily theMost used piece of furniture in our homes, which makes buying a long-lasting
One a pretty big thing. There are the key factors you'll want to consider in your
Search (think: frame, springs and cushions, and check out this buying guide from
Our buddies at GoodHousekeeping.com), but there's something even more
Important to keep in mind, besides those nitty gritty details: how exactly do you
Plan on using your sofa the most?
If you're a napper who's ever tried of lying down on a couch with high arms, for
Instance, you know exactly what we mean.
(#heartbreak). No matter your lifestyle, there's a sofa available for you. Here are a
few common profiles to guide you through the process of buying one.
For The Parent
So a single IKEA sofa may only get you through your child's elementary school
Additionally, you can stop
Wash until your little one is over his or her grape jelly obsession.
IKEA Karlstad sofa, $499, with Marine Brera Lino fabric slipcover by Bemz, $519
Bassett Furniture
Shows are hogging the DVR, who's hogging the sofa while you catch up on your
Shows on the DVR... Think of this sofa for a form of couple's therapy.
Beckham Pit sectional, bassettfurniture.com
Lazar Industries
This is your year to quit ignoring texts from those friends and family who happen
Open that door and this sleeper sofa, and be
For The Small-Space Dweller
West Elm
Know that person who falls head over heels for the floor model sofa at their
favorite home store, only to get home and learn that it won't even fit through their
door? Don't be that person.
For The Momentary Bachelor
Restoration Hardware
In its 2013 analysis of the sofa, The New York Times questioned some of our
sofa-buying choices when it asked: "What if you're a bachelor settled into an
Apartment, but don't wish to buy a costly sofa a future wife might hate?"
Washington, D.C. interior designer Annie Elliott offered this answer: "I think it's
Depressing to buy everything quasi-disposable... and await someone to 'rescue
you from mediocrity. '''
For The Folks Who Are Serious About Their Naps
As classic as this sofa looks, it actually has a trick up its sleeve, as Trend Hunter
put it. The couch boasts folding armrests "that allow it to transform from a
sophisticated couch to a more relaxed lounger in seconds." Did someone say
nap time?
The Budget-Strapped New Homeowner
Everything claims to be the Warby Parker of something or other these days and
This is the sofa sort of the idea. What we love about this company is the
Free white-glove delivery, the 365-day returns and the opportunity to finally get rid
of that futon from college.
"heart of the home" idea is an equally fitting way to describe another one of our
Favorite spots -- the couch.
From sleeping to TV-watching to "working" from home, the sofa is easily theMost used piece of furniture in our homes, which makes buying a long-lasting
One a pretty big thing. There are the key factors you'll want to consider in your
Search (think: frame, springs and cushions, and check out this buying guide from
Our buddies at GoodHousekeeping.com), but there's something even more
Important to keep in mind, besides those nitty gritty details: how exactly do you
Plan on using your sofa the most?
If you're a napper who's ever tried of lying down on a couch with high arms, for
Instance, you know exactly what we mean.
(#heartbreak). No matter your lifestyle, there's a sofa available for you. Here are a
few common profiles to guide you through the process of buying one.
For The Parent
So a single IKEA sofa may only get you through your child's elementary school
Additionally, you can stop
Wash until your little one is over his or her grape jelly obsession.
IKEA Karlstad sofa, $499, with Marine Brera Lino fabric slipcover by Bemz, $519
Bassett Furniture
Shows are hogging the DVR, who's hogging the sofa while you catch up on your
Shows on the DVR... Think of this sofa for a form of couple's therapy.
Beckham Pit sectional, bassettfurniture.com
Lazar Industries
This is your year to quit ignoring texts from those friends and family who happen
Open that door and this sleeper sofa, and be
For The Small-Space Dweller
West Elm
Know that person who falls head over heels for the floor model sofa at their
favorite home store, only to get home and learn that it won't even fit through their
door? Don't be that person.
For The Momentary Bachelor
Restoration Hardware
In its 2013 analysis of the sofa, The New York Times questioned some of our
sofa-buying choices when it asked: "What if you're a bachelor settled into an
Apartment, but don't wish to buy a costly sofa a future wife might hate?"
Washington, D.C. interior designer Annie Elliott offered this answer: "I think it's
Depressing to buy everything quasi-disposable... and await someone to 'rescue
you from mediocrity. '''
For The Folks Who Are Serious About Their Naps
As classic as this sofa looks, it actually has a trick up its sleeve, as Trend Hunter
put it. The couch boasts folding armrests "that allow it to transform from a
sophisticated couch to a more relaxed lounger in seconds." Did someone say
nap time?
The Budget-Strapped New Homeowner
Everything claims to be the Warby Parker of something or other these days and
This is the sofa sort of the idea. What we love about this company is the
Free white-glove delivery, the 365-day returns and the opportunity to finally get rid
of that futon from college.
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